Because he's one stylish motherfucker. Because he makes it look easy. Because he gives a shit. Because he can rock a kilt. Because everything is sacred and nothing is. Hats. Because he tricked America into listening to the blues. Because if his guitar is electric sex (which it is), then he's a Don Juan Casanova 3.0 with a pick. Because the aesthetic is as important as the sound. Because he has the best dressed roadies on the planet. Because he makes Nancy Sinatra sound badass (see below). Because that sound came out of a drum set and a beat up guitar. Because what the fuck have you done lately?

Because I love this:
"This album is dedicated to, and is for, and about the death of the sweetheart. In a social plane, impossible to exist, and in memories, past defeating present. We mourn the sweetheart’s loss in a disgusting world of opportunistic, lottery ticket holders caring about nothing that is long term, only the cheap thrill, the kick, the for the moment pleasure, the easy way out, the bragging rights and the trophy holding. The thirteen year old tattoo, the hard attitude, devil may care, don’t call your parents, drink, insult, thank only yourself, and blame the rest if you don’t get yours. Gone to the ether, gone to your mother’s hope chest, buried in the boot of the rocker, the trunk of the car, and they get laughs, they get home late, they missed the rent, they forgot your money, they’ve got a new friend, they won’t be told they are wrong.
Burn baby burn, take the trash to the living room, laugh at the sweetheart, you and your friend can kill it if television’s aim is bad, break it, hard or die. Hard or die. It keeps going, you’re not wrong, don’t worry about it, what matters? You’re having fun right? Break the rules rebel, break them hard, help yourself. Make yourself at home, turn on the video games, don’t bother to contact, gorge yourself, it’s all here for you, take your sweet time, if you’re confronted by it, blow it off and get paid quick. This is what it’s all about, and we’re with you baby, take my bite as high support, take my argument as just something that’s my problem, you don’t need this, you need to please yourself. The dream is alive and well, and we don’t want to wake up from it. Ethics, morals, spirits, breakfast cereals."
- Liner notes of Elephant
Burn baby burn, take the trash to the living room, laugh at the sweetheart, you and your friend can kill it if television’s aim is bad, break it, hard or die. Hard or die. It keeps going, you’re not wrong, don’t worry about it, what matters? You’re having fun right? Break the rules rebel, break them hard, help yourself. Make yourself at home, turn on the video games, don’t bother to contact, gorge yourself, it’s all here for you, take your sweet time, if you’re confronted by it, blow it off and get paid quick. This is what it’s all about, and we’re with you baby, take my bite as high support, take my argument as just something that’s my problem, you don’t need this, you need to please yourself. The dream is alive and well, and we don’t want to wake up from it. Ethics, morals, spirits, breakfast cereals."
- Liner notes of Elephant
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