This is too good not to share. I wish all collars had back buttons, perfect. Notice how their hair is disheveled, but their clothes are neat? Essential for not looking like a boob.
This quote by Ira Glass has been making the rounds, but it's become like a daily affirmation for me, so I wanted to share. The second pic is some sweet art. If you know the artist please comment, I want to credit.
Easier done than said, click the blue button for endless style.
This blog is dedicated to, and is for, and about the style of men. Particularly those of youth, especially those with subversive tendencies. Those who tread on plastic superstore followers, feel sick to their stomach if they camouflage with society, feel the nostalgia they weren’t alive to remember, write in their own words as much as they quote others, see colors instead of objects, can’t feel without music. Create what they destroy, destroy what they create. Live like they don't care while still caring wholeheartedly. Never stop looking for inspiration. Wear their clothes like a second skin. It’s not about fashion, it’s about style. The gentleman punks, the romantic iconoclasts, the label-less artists. Rebels with painted faces.